Crystal Clear Intuition

Using Rice To Cleanse Negative Energy From Crystals and Why

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Using rice is a method that is said to cleanse negative energy from places, objects and people. I myself use it from time to time to clear energy from my crystals. I never understood why this worked, but did feel the energetic impact that it had on myself and my crystals. As curious as I am, I wanted to know the energetics behind it, so I did a bit of research.

So, why is rice used to cleanse negative energy from crystals, and how does it work? Rice is said to balance the energies between the Heavens and the Earth, and resonates with the energy of the earth and of the sun. In this way, it is deeply grounding to your crystal, while also energetically charging it with the energy of the sun. It harmonizes your crystal with the energies of the spirit world and earthly realm, and brings it into the present moment. It absorbs any imbalanced energy so that your crystal can reset itself to its base frequency.

The origins of using rice is found all throughout history, and they all have different approaches to use it as an energetic cleanser. Through my research, I discovered some interesting insight into using rice as an energetic healer, and new ways to use rice to cleanse crystals.



The History Of Rice And What It Symbolizes

Rice has been viewed symbolically throughout history to represent many different aspects of a full and balanced life.

In a literal sense, traditional rice fields are a vital aspect of life. Along with the people that harvest the grains, there are fish, birds, ducks, frogs, bugs, and other plants. The elements brought by each different season are necessary to keep the growth cycle in balance. All of these things combined establish a delicate, but amazingly balanced thriving ecosystem.

In Japanese mythology, the rice plant was brought to Japan by Prince Ninigi, who was a descendant of the Sun goddess named Amaterasu. Because of this, it is believed that the food was a gift from the gods, and represents a deep connection and nurturing bond between heaven and earth. Because it is seen as a gift from the gods, it is believe that it strengthens spiritual health, attainment of knowledge, and purity.

In China, rice is said to bring abundance and prosperity, and it is believed that there should always be a full container of rice in the home at all times. An empty rice container is said to be a bad omen.

In India, rice is believed to form a lasting bond between partners, and promote fertility. In Indian weddings, it is a common tradition to throw rice at the bride and groom, or have the bride and groom stand on a pile of rice while they are being married. The first meal that the bride and groom feed to each other if often a handful of rice.

Even in Western wedding traditions it is common to throw rice at weddings to attract happiness, fertility, wealth and prosperity to the newly-wed couple.



The Energetics Of Rice

If you examine the energetics of rice, you will find that it resonates with the energy of the earth AND the sun. It works as if it was the earth that was charged by the sun. If your crystal is carrying ungrounded energy, it will work with it to ground those energies. It will also charge it to its natural vibration with the energy of the sun.

Because of these energies, earth and sun, it is both feminine and masculine or yin and yang. It works to balance any ungrounded feminine or masculine energy from your crystal, and bring it to its natural state.

Rice can harmonize your crystal to its base frequency, because it has the ability to absorb energy that is not in balance. In this way, it is a modulator of energy, and will assist your crystal to get to its base frequency.

It is important to note that it not only helps with negative energy, but any excess energy that throws your crystal out of balance. For example, feminine and masculine energy alone are not positive or negative, they are just different forms of energy; however, too much of either of these energies will cause your crystal to be out of balance. Too much positive energy can also throw your crystal out of balance. Growth requires a balance of both positive and negative energies, light and dark, death and rebirth.



Methods To Use Rice To Cleanse Your Crystals

Put It On a Bed Of Rice 

The easiest and most common way to use rice to cleanse a crystal is to place it on a bed of rice. I recommend using a glass bowl, but you can use any bowl that you would like. Fill the bowl with rice, and place your crystal on top of the rice. Let it sit here for 8-12 hours, or overnight. Put it on the window sill at night to be charged by the moon. 

Bury It in Rice 

Another method is to bury your crystal in a bed of rice, so that it is completely covered. Follow the same method above, but instead of putting the crystal on the surface of the rice, bury it underneath the rice. Make sure that all parts of it are covered.

This works because when submerged in darkness, the crystal will want to emit more if its natural light, giving it a stronger pull towards it natural vibration and allowing the rice to absorb more excess energy.



What To Do With The Rice After It Has Cleansed Your Crystal

Throw it Away

Some people believe that you should not eat the rice after being used for cleansing purposes, because it absorbs the negative energy of the crystal, which should not be brought in your body. In a way, this makes sense, and if this feels intuitively right to you, just throw the rice away.


Eat It

There are others that believe there is no harm in eating the rice after it has been used to cleanse your crystals. I tend to believe this, only because I do not believe that the energy being cleared is just negative energy – it is simply excess energy that was throwing your crystal out of balance. If anything, the rice is now energetically charged by the crystal’s energy.

Also, if you wash the rice under running water, this cleanses the energy. In addition, in the cooking process, any negative energy will be transmuted in the steam to be transmuted back into universal energy, especially if you set your intention for this to happen.

If you do eat it, make sure to wash it really well in case your crystal left any harmful mineral residue.


Turn it into Rice Water

If you don’t feel comfortable eating the rice, but still do not want the rice to go to waste, an alternative option is to soak the rice in water and use the rice water for healing and cleansing purposes. Here is an in-depth article on the benefits that rice water has on your skin. You can use it as a skin toner, acne treatment, hair treatment, skin soother for sunburns and eczema, and many more.

Take your rice and mix it with water. For every 1 cup of rice you should use 4 cups of water. Let it soak for 30 minutes – 4 hours.

To cleanse the water while it is soaking up the rice, take your hand and stir the rice clockwise saying a prayer:

“I ask that all the unbalanced energy be released from the water.”

Then switch to stirring the counter clockwise and finish the prayer by saying:

“I ask that all the unbalanced energy be transmuted back into universal consciousness, to its original source, so that it can come back as love and light, and to serve its highest good.”

Strain the rice through a colander over a glass bowl so that the rice water is collected to be used as a body care treatment.

Now, what do you do with the water?

Take a bath with it

My favorite way to use this water is to put in my bath water and take a soak in it. You can add essential oils, crystal or whatever else to make it a very energetically cleansing and healing bath ceremony.

You can also make a foot soak with it, if you do not like to take baths. The rice water will be very grounding to your feet chakras, and help you release a lot of ungrounded and stuck survival energy from your leg channels.

Water your plants with it

If you don’t have time to take a bath, another way to utilize this water is to water your plants with it. As mentioned earlier in this post, rice is the great balancer of life, and plants respond very well to this energy. It is full of minerals that will boost your plant’s growth, as well as energetically bring earth energy into the soil and sun energy into the roots to stimulate growth.

Use the rice water to cleanse crystals

Put this water in an amber or glass spray bottle and spritz it on your other crystals to help balance their energy. You can even mist this around your own aura for an aura cleanse or chakra balancer.



Other Creative Ways To Use Rice

Mix it with flowers or herbs

Feel free to have fun with this rice cleansing method! You can combine other cleansing materials with the rice, such as flowers, herbs, lavender, rose petals, lemon peels, salt, etc. Spend time with your crystal, and feel intuitively if something extra will help with the cleansing process.

Lemons and salt are also great at clearing negative energy, so if you feel that your crystal has excess negative energy or is carrying a psychic attack, you can put lemons and salt in or around the bowl of rice.

Meditate with it

I started using rice this way, so it is something that I really recommend trying. You can really feel the energy of the rice flowing through your hands.

To do this, fill your left hand with a hand full of rice. In your right hand, hold a crystal that you would like to cleanse. Set your hands on your legs, palms up, with the rice and crystal resting in the palms of your hands. You should feel relaxed, and not gripping these too tightly.

In a meditative state, feel the energies in your two hands, and notice if they feel different. Is one pulling energy? Is one giving energy? Does one feel good? Does one feel out of balance?

To get a circuit of energy flowing between these objects, you can imagine the rice and the crystal having a dialogue. What would they say to each other? Imagine a rapport developing between the two of them. Imagine the rice is pulling energy from the crystal, and the crystal is being charged back up to its base frequency.

If the energy feel too intense, you can imagine a grounding cord going from the rice to the center of the planet, and that it is releasing any negative or excess energy down to the center of the planet to be transmuted back into universal consciousness.


Related Questions:

Should I use white rice or brown rice? Ultimately, it doesn’t matter which form of rice you use, so use your intuition when deciding which one works for you. Some people believe that brown rice is better because it is in its natural state and has not been processed in any way.

Interestingly, I find that white rice feels a lot more energetically lighter and I notice a greater impact on my energy when interacting with it. For this reason, I use white rice. I also prefer to eat white rice at home, probably because I’m attracted to its energy.

Is there a type of rice I should avoid? You should avoid rice that has been genetically modified (GMO), because the energetics of it could have also been affected. I believe that GMO foods have a negative energetic effect on the body, so it would make sense that it has a negative effect on the energetics of your crystal. Try to get non GMO rice, and preferably rice that has been farmed in a sustainable way. I also believe that food responds to the energy of its source, so where it is sourced from is important.

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